Certifications demonstrate a commitment to providing ongoing quality service to our clients. We are the only specialist laboratory animal diagnostic laboratory with ISO certification in Australia and our commitment to the industry has been recognised internationally by ICLAS, with the status of Associate Member.

Physical Containment Facility - Adelaide
Certification number: Cert 3122.
Certification of a physical containment facility.
Room A2 (Animal Holding), Ground Floor, Gaskell Building, Cerberus Sciences. PC1 Facility.
Australian Government – Department of Health and Ageing – Office of the Gene Technology Regulator.

Physical Containment Facility - Melbourne
Certification number: Cert 2707.
Certification of a physical containment facility.
Rooms L1 and H1, Level G, Cerberus Sciences, Scoresby.
PC1 Facility.
Australian Government – Department of Health and Ageing – Office of the Gene Technology Regulator.

Licence No. AU843-QC.
Certification to ISO 9001 for laboratory animal diagnostics and disease investigation, including serology, pathology, bacteriology, parasitology and molecular testing.
Total Quality Certification Services International.
ISO 9001

Certificate of Participation in the Serology and Microbiology ICLAS Performance Evaluation Program for Diagnostic Laboratories.
ICLAS Laboratory Animal Quality Network.
International Council for Laboratory Animal Science.
ICLAS Performance Evaluation Program
for Diagnostic Laboratories